Building an intimate relationship with God

Isaiah 29:13; John 10:30

What is an intimate relationship with God?
This is a relationship that involves your, spirit, and soul (Matthew 22:35-40); a broken heart and a contrite soul (Psalm 51:6;17).
The relationship should grow from: You are mine, to ‘You are mine I am yours (John 17:10’ and then finally to, ‘ I am yours, let your will be done (Luke 22:42)- a self-surrendering to God leads to lost in wonder, praise, and love).

Importance of intimate relationship with God
An intimate relationship with God has been lacking in recent times. People want the 'things of God' but not a relationship with Him. The result is this is that we also miss intimacy with one another. Because of this most people’s love has grown cold.

A service or ministry that is not from an intimate relationship with God will not be accepted. For example, example, David’s project to bring the Ark of God to Jerusalem failed because it was done casually ( 2 Samuel 6), but when David took his time to follow the right process, the project was successful (1 Chronicles 15:11-16; 25-27).

How can we build such a relationship with God?

  1. By our free will, we take our time and build a relationship with God thoughtfully (e.g., Hebrews 5:7-10).

  2. Such a relationship is built in the wilderness, in the secret place; seasons of hardship a meant to achieve such a deep relationship with Hosea 2: 14-23. Difficult times are opportunities to build an intimate relationship with God.


God takes His time to do things according to His Plan


The Life of Jesus Christ The Messiah