Convincing Proof that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and Our Saviour.

All the gospel writers presented proof that Jesus was the Messiah and our Saviour (e.g. John 1:19-22).

Text Luke 4: 1-4;  Acts 1:1-3;

In this text, Luke wanted Theophilus to be sure of what he had come to believe about Jesus. This is because, whereas some people live victoriously, others struggle to believe in Jesus Christ.

Teachings people struggle to believe.

  1. Incarnation: the birth of Jesus in human form (John 1:14; Gal 4:4). Some people dismiss this belief; they want people to look down on the importance of physical life, to live anyhow and to focus on spirits or secret knowledge, e.g., 2 John 1:4-7. God has given humans physical life, and spiritual life is for non-spiritual beings. Wherever there are spiritual activities, there is no righteousness, peace, joy, stable family. Still, you will find wickedness, etc. (e.g., Eph. 6:12). You can easily overcome spiritual problems if you faithfully live in obedience to God as a human being.

  2. The divinity of Jesus: Jesus as the Son of God (John 3:16). Some people struggle to accept He is God's Son, e.g.,  John 5:16-18; 10:31-33. Why? Jealousy! To be called a Son of God is a special status in the universe; it means you have the image or nature of God (2 Pet 1:3-4; John 1:12-13;  3:3-6 ).

  3. How Jesus serves people brings glory to God (Mark 10:45); some people struggle because they want the glory that belongs to God, and secondly, it makes them look uncaring, e.g., John 9:13-16). N.B. Allowing people to rubbish what God has done for you can harm your faith.

  4. The suffering and the death of Jesus. Most people struggle to accept suffering as a child of God (e.g. Peter, Matt 16: 21-26; John 18:10-11, 21: 15-16). Solution: Deny yourself, and then you can get better things. The life of Gideon answers the question of why a born-again Christian should suffer... E.g. from family misfortunes? The answer is to go and help others who are going through the same problem (Judges 6:1-32).

  5. The resurrection of Jesus. E.g. Thomas struggled to believe John 20:24-29; 1 Cor 15:12-17, solution, read the evidence in scripture). People who believe that pleasure is the highest good and proper aim of life (Hedonism) struggle with the concept of an afterlife. The enemy wants people to forget about heaven and hell ( 1 Cor 15:29-34).


Joseph covered Mary's 'shame.’
