Enjoying or finding satisfaction in your work or career: Daniel’s Approach.

(Most people complain about their work; others have found their rhythm and are having a good time)

Work should not be seen as a burden but as part of life. We earn our daily bread through work and contribute to this world and God’s kingdom (Genesis 2:15-17).

God enjoyed the work of creation ( e.g., Gen 1:31). How can we also find sanctification in our work?

Text Daniel 6:1-5; Colossians 3:22-4:1

In our first Bible reading, we learn how Daniel had a good time at His workplace because He was trustworthy and diligent and had exceptional qualities (character). However, he faced these challenges: discrimination, hostilities, and a trap from colleagues to destroy him. Daniel had God because he was a worshipper of God.

In our second reading, the word of God tells employees and employers to treat each other sincerely and out of reverence for the Lord.

What makes work enjoyable?

Your trustworthiness, diligence, exceptional character, and reverence for God (as the source of everything).

Issues that make you not enjoy your work and how to manage them.

  1. The thought of not liking your job ( that is why it is a job; the workplace is not excellent; it’s a place to solve problems)

  2. Too much workload;

  3. pressure from your boss to meet targets;

  4. toxic working environment;

  5. unsupportive colleagues;

  6. Injustice ( bullying, harassment, discrimination)

  7. politics at the workplace;

  8. balancing work and the home.


At your workplace: focus on your duties. Love your work because it is a source of your daily bread (Jer 29: 7).

Work directly with your line manager or the one you report to and build a good rapport. Study and follow the company's policy: See everyone at the workplace as your colleague, not friends; if possible, don't make friends or date anyone at the workplace; Never fight your colleagues, managers or the company; you may win the argument, but you will lose your job and future opportunities.

Like Daniel, you must always pray to God for help and allow God to use you to blessing to his kingdom.


