Preparing the church to take the gospel of God's kingdom to other towns, cities, and nations

Text Acts 1:4-8 Matt 28:19-20, Mark 1:35-39

Why prepare the church?
Because God works with those who have been prepared, when you are well prepared, you get better results. Preparation is also part of the assignment. How do we prepare the church?

  1. Waiting for the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8) By the whole church

  2. Training the church in God’s word (Eph. 4:11) -Jubilee Bible College

  3. Sorting out the welfare of church members (Acts 6:1-6). Welfare Ministry, Home Bible Fellowship, Counselling services, Sunday service, weekly Bible readings, Children’s ministry, young people's ministry etc

  4. Recruitment and networking- By Mission DEPT

  5. Resources (funds, books, instruments, etc. Luke 8:1-4). )- FUNDRAISING DEPT

  6. Hospitality in the church and outside -Gen 18; 19; Judges 19:16-19; 1 Pet 4:9; Heb. 13:2).

  7. Time management: work, home, church, balance

The Work of the Holy Spirit

  1. He gives us Power as we pray (2 Tim 1:7)

  2. He gives us Love as we serve

  3. He gives us Self-discipline as we strive to live holy

  4. He teaches us Truth (John 16:12-13) if we obey God. Jesus says, if you know the truth, it will set you free (John 8:31-32 ). In every situation/problem, what brings solution is truth - therefore, search for truth and do it (see Zach 8:14-16).

  5. He sanctifies us as we humble ourselves ( 1 Pet 1:1-2 1Thess 5:23)


Sabbath rest for God's people (Work, home, church, balance)


A Fresh New anointing from God for the year 2024.