The ascension of Jesus to Heaven: a glimpse into life after death.

As per Christian belief, Jesus ascended to heaven 40 days after His resurrection. This is a special occasion.

Christians observe to remind us about life after death. This year, it took place on May 9th.

A proper understanding of life after death, helps us to live well.

Text John 14: 1-6; Acts 1:6-11

Messages about Jesus’s ascension focus on the following:

  1. His promise to ascend to heaven after His death (John 14:1-6), what that means to us. Jesus is the Way to Heaven. Whoever will believe in Him, shall also make it to heaven.

  2. How His actual ascension to heaven (Acts 1:6-11). The message by the angels about the second of Jesus was a motivation for the early church’s faithfulness.

  3. A glimpse into life after death (e.g., Lazarus and the rich man Luke 16:19-31)

  4. After death, after the 40 days, depending on your relationship with God, the angels will carry your soul either to heaven or hell.

  5. Although a poor man, Lazarus endeavoured to have a relationship with God, and so went to Abraham’s

bosom (paradise). He had a proper understanding of life. It is far better to suffer in this life and make it to heaven than to live lavishly and end up in hellfire.

Poverty and hardships of life without a deep love for God can make you curse God and perish (Prov 30:7-9). The rich man, with all his resources, did not have a relationship with God, and so went to hell. Riches, if it is not from God, will make you neglect the salvation of your soul. Every human being who ever existed must have a good relationship with God else, you are in trouble.

Conclusion: According to Jesus, those who do not have a relationship with God have failed in life. This is because the salvation of your soul is the most important gift you can get for yourself (Matt 16:26).


God does not do things anyhow; He works according to covenants.


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