The birth of Jesus Christ marks a new beginning for human beings.

Aim: We shall focus on the birth of Christ and also learn how God works.
Text Luke 2:1-7;  Romans 5:17-19

The birth of Jesus Christ marks a new beginning for human beings. This is because in Adam, the first man, humanity sinned and died, and so, as part of God’s plan, Jesus was born to give us a new life of peace, joy, righteousness, and eternal life (Rom 5:17-19. Until you meet Christ, your new life has not begun (2 Cor 5:17).

The birth of Jesus was foretold (Luke 1). This is consistent with how God does things (e.g. Amos 3:7; Genesis 1:26;  (Jesus announcing His death and resurrection  Matt 16: 21-23).

N.B: Should you announce your plans or keep them secret? Following God’s example, yes, we announce our plans to the ‘right people’, not to show off. However, the enemy will also hear and frustrate the plan, but because we have followed the principles of God, we shall be successful (Hab. 2:2-23). It is not a good habit to keep secrets from the ‘right people’; this habit makes you timid and a fake friend.

The Birth of Christ and the Struggles and Labour Pains in New Birth (Gen 3:16a). 

Because of the fall, per God’s decree, the birth of anything new involves a struggle, a ‘painful labour’ (Gen 3:16). May the Lord give you strength to bring forth that new thing in Jesus’s name.

There was no place for Jesus at the guesthouse, but God made a special place for Him (a manger).
Jesus came to this world in low and humble circumstances, and this should be our prayer, too.

In the same way, the world has no place for believers, but God will always provide a place for the believer. But this also means we must be willing to be hospitable and to receive hospitality in low and humble circumstances. If someone is helping you, don't expect the best of treatment,  and if you are helping someone, don't do it so that the person now depends on you; the person must depend on God.

The gospel of Jesus Christ was shared with other people.
The shepherds (Luke 2: 17) and  Magi (Matt 2:1-2) shared the good news about Jesus with other people.

This was similar to what the four lepers did in the OT when they discovered blessings (2 Kings 7:8-9).

Jesus Christ was worshipped and presented with gifts (offerings).
Both the Magi and the Shepherds who received the news about Jesus's birth went to worship Him and presented him with gifts.


A Summary of 2023 Sermons


God gives humans free will and the gospel: the Christmas story and Constantine.