The Great Commission: Biblical Answers to Life Issues.

Text Matthew 28:16-20

The Great Commission is the work Jesus gave the church to save, baptise, and teach people God’s word

For example, the sixteenth-century reformers were able to rediscover answers to some of the issues affecting the people in their day.

In our days, there are some issues we need to find biblical answers to them.

Happiness in life

Many people are unhappy in life, although they spend a lot to be happy. How can we become happy? Happiness is a gift from God; he gives it to those who love him (Eccl 5:18-20; Matt 6: 30-32).

The salvation of the human soul: The human soul is immortal; therefore, where it spends eternity is very important. God does not want anyone to die in their sins (Ezek. 18:30-32; 2 Pet 3:9). We can only be saved through Christ (Acts 4:12;2:38-31).

Spiritual problems: Any spirit that is not from God will give you problems. People get spiritual problems: 1. Through inheritance, 2. abuse, 3. occult practices, 4. rebellion against God. The solution to any spiritual problem is not to give the enemy any chance but to receive God’s Spirit, worship God alone and shun evil.

Self-hatred: Self-hatred comes as a result of rejection of God. When you reject God, you are likely to reject yourself because you were created in the image of God (Judas, Matthew 27:3-5).

Understanding the work of Satan, the world’s prince ( John 14:30), the god of this world (2 Cor 4:4).

1. Satan gives unbelievers false comfort and prosperity so that they forget about God and only attacks them all of a sudden with crisis; by that time, the people had not put on the full armour of God (Eph, 6:10-17) to withstand his onslaught; and so the people die without Christ.

2. He frustrates true believers and tarnishes the image of the true God (Dan 7:25) for two main reasons: first so that the Christian faith will not be attractive to non-believers. Secondly, he hopes  that true believers will give up their faith in God, but Jesus encourages us to remain faithful no matter what and that we shall be victorious (e.g., Revelation 2:10);


The kingdom of God and challenges to overcome Do everything possible to enter God's kingdom.


The consequences of rejecting God can be seen all around us.