The wages of sin is death, but God’s free gift in Christ Jesus is eternal life.

Text Romans 6:22-23. John 3:16-20

In our preparations to go on missions, we shall study the following.

Many people do not know the following!

Many people do not know that the wages of sin is death (e.g, Rom 7:7); and so are struggling Many people also do not know what to do when they sin (Luke 3:7-14). Many people do not even know that they are sinners (Rom 3:23-24). But what does it mean to be dead in sin? To be without God and perish in the universe, But what does it mean to have eternal life? To know God (John 17:3).

God goes ahead of us in missions

This means God has already prepared the field and the people. It is God who initiates everything. Left to human beings alone, we will perish in our sins. E.g. God became the first missionary shortly after creation, when He went out looking for Adam and Eve, who were then living in sin in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:8-13). In the days of Noah Genesis 6); On the wilderness journey (Exodus 32:7-12); When David sinned (2 Samuel 12). The conversion of Paul (Acts 9).

We should pay attention to tax collectors and prostitutes.

Jesus tells us that tax collectors and prostitutes are entering God's kingdom ahead (Matthew 21:28-32). These people have gone their own way to live in sin but will later change their minds to believe the gospel, against those who said they would believe but changed their minds and did not believe (Matthew 21:28-32).


Wherever there is 'love’, victory from God is assured.


Jesus’ parable of the Sower about the Kingdom of God