There is too much stress in the world; people need jubilee from God

What is Jubilee?
The Jubilee was given to the Old Testament believers (Leviticus 25:8-22 ), to be observed every 50th year. It was a time of restoration, when people get right with God, a time of forgiveness, a time of reset; Jubilee gives hope that it shall be well in the future.

In the New Testament, Jubilee is that moment; through Jesus Christ (Luke 4:18-19), we get restored to our destiny and what God made us to be (e.g. John 5:1-14).

Why Jubilee?

In life, no one gets things right; we all mess up, drift away from God, follow ungodly things,
and end up destroying ourselves, for all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory (Rom 3:23-24). God knows this, and He gives us special favour: people need a special favour from God,

Triple blessings for three years (25:18-22): a supernatural provision from God when Jubilee is observed. When we obey God in doing his work, He will also make sure He provides for us in abundance.
The believers of Old never celebrated the festival. Joshua was the closest leader to have given the Jubilee,
but he also did not (Hebrews 4:8) because the people had turned to Idols (Joshua 24:14-15;19-23).

When people forsake God, you can't put His blessings on them; but tell them to return to the Lord. Jesus Christ fulfils all God’s promises: e.g. the year of the Lord’s favour.
In Luke 4:16-22, Jesus tells us that He has come to fulfil the year of the Lord. And truly, we see Jesus restoring people to the blessings of God.

The day of vengeance of the Lord
However, there is another aspect of the Jubilee concept, which the prophet Isiah tells us: to proclaim the day of vengeance of our God (Isaiah 61:2), which shall be fulfilled at the Lord’s second coming. Until then, we taste tokens of God’s vengeance for rebelling against Him. E.g., the OT went into captivity for 70 years, serving all the years they never celebrated Jubilee (Jeremiah 25:11-13). Thus, all those who abuse. God’s blessing shall be judged by God.


Jesus will come and help, do not condemn yourself.


Put off your Old-self and put on your New-self created to be like God