Wickedness in the world
(Allow God to take away your sins; else, your sins will destroy you)
Text Colossians 2:11-15
On Friday, we mentioned that the suffering, death, resurrection, and glorification of Jesus is also
our spiritual journey.
Text Genesis 6:5-8; 1 John 3:7-10; Romans 5:6-9
FIRST MESSAGE: There is too much wickedness in the world today because people do not allow
God to take away their sins (e.g. Gen 6:5-8). When you keep sin, what this means is that you will
use them against God, others, and yourself. Sin destroys good things (James 1:14-15).
SECOND MESSAGE: Understanding how God takes away our sins
By atonement, Christ died for sins ( John 1:29; Romans 5:6-9;1 John 3:7-10 ( Easter message)
Warning us not to sin (e.g., Genesis 4:6-7; 20:3-7; Acts 3:26)
God disciplines believers (Heb.12:5-11) and condemns the non-believers (John 3:18)
THIRD MESSAGE: Do not ignore signs of wickedness around you. Jesus knew that Judas
would betray him (John 6:70-71; 13:21-27). If someone close to you is bad, given the chance,
you will be harmed by that person.
FOURTH MESSAGE: Please let us warn people not to harm others. E.g., God wanted Cain not to
harm Abel (Genesis 4); Jesus said, Woe to the one who commits that sin (Luke 22:22).
FIFTH MESSAGE: Sort your sins out, or else your sins will destroy you and others (Ezekiel 18:30;
Psalm 51: 1-7).
What can you do in God’s kingdom in 2024?
12 Requirements to Serve God
Be born again
Filled with God’s Spirit
Regular church attendance
Person devotion at home
Holy living
Soul winner for Jesus
Giver of tithes, offerings, and to the needy
Managing your family’s godly
Good reputation in the church and outside the church
Love God, yourself, church members, Bishop, other people
Use your gifts to serve God