The proclamation of gospel liberty and salvation in Christ Jesus

Text Leviticus 25:8-13; 2 Cor 5:21-6:2

Life challenges forced the people to move away from where God placed them. In this text, the leader was to sound the trumpet for everyone to return to their original homes. The trumpet sound was necessary! The Jubilee trumpet was to be sounded on the day of atonement. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is our atoning sacrifice ( 1 John 2:1-2), and so wherever the gospel is preached, we proclaim liberty for the people. As a church, we shall proclaim the gospel on God’s behalf, telling people to return to God (2 Cor 5:21-6:2).

Going back to God’s original plan, where we are sounding the trumpet for restoration

In the church: Leadership, evangelism, holy living, timely and regular church attendance, discipleship school, Personal area of restoration: Health, your service to God, family, career, holy living, oppression, etc

Examples of declaration of Jubilee-proclamation of gospel liberty

  • In Genesis, God spoke, and darkness gave way to light (Genesis 1:1-4).

  • Jesus called forth the dead man Lazarus to life (John 11:43-44)

  • Peter and John declared Jubilee for the lame man at the temple (Acts 3:6).

  • When Job was going through his trials, although there were many voices, he wanted God to speak.

  • There will be a trumpet sound at the second coming of Jesus (1 Thess4:16);

When you are in crisis, seek to hear God speak into the situation. Don’t always copy someone’s approach to life; seek God yourself. You need to hear the trumpet yourself and then respond.

What happens when God speaks?
You receive faith to be restored because faith comes by hearing God’s word (Romans 10:17). Darkness gives way to light, Satan and all evil bow down; the life of God comes to the situation, there is forgiveness, and there is new hope, a new beginning;

How can you get God to speak?
Prayer and fasting (waiting), reading the Bible, attending services to hear sermons, seeking godly counselling
N.B Satan will also attempt to speak to you, this a misleading voice, to do what will destroy you.


Learning to live in the freedom God gives in Christ Jesus