Learning to live in the freedom God gives in Christ Jesus

How you end your life is more important than your past.

When you go back to your land, there are some issues you need to sort out. Thus, if God gave you another chance, what would you do better concerning your: Faith, health, marriage, finances, services, and social life?

  1. NEGOTIATING/SETTLING MATTERS WITH GOD. For example, why did you mess up the first time? What really happened?  Some lessons to be learned?  Isaiah 1:18-23

  2. Sorting things out for a New life: New wine into old wineskins will burst. New life in Christ lived in your old lifestyle is incompatible.

Text 2 Kings 20.

In this text, God gave King Hezekiah Jubilee new life because the king reasoned or negotiated with God. However, the king failed to live up to the expectations of the new life.

If God restores you, you must learn to live a new life.

Examples of those who were able to live the new life

David: When David was punished for counting the fighting men of Israel, he went ahead to build an altar to the Lord, and the sport became where the great temple was later built (2 Samuel 24). Again, David sinned with Bathsheba and was about to die, but God forgave him; David responded by going to the house of God to worship (1 Samuel 12).

Jehoshaphat nearly died because of his alliance with the wicked king Ahab. When God gave him another chance to live, he continued to do what was pleasing to God-turning the people from sin to the worship of God (2 Chronicles 19:1-7).

Conclusion: In this new life, if you focus on doing God’s will, not your will, you will continue to bear fruit.

  1. Make sure your plan is in harmony with God’s Word

  2. Ask mature Christians for their advice,

  3. Check your own motives to see if you are seeking to do what you want or what you think God wants.

  4. Pray for God to open and close doors as he desires


You go through phases of perfection when God is restoring you.


The proclamation of gospel liberty and salvation in Christ Jesus