Only God can restore life; Human beings can only fix it.

Text Job 42: 7-17; Luke 15:17-24

Human beings can only fix life, but only God can restore it. Scripture tells us how God restored the prodigal son and Job. Focus on God, and it will end well with you.

Faith and reason

Your redemption/restoration begins when you seek God (e.g., Exodus 3:9-10). When the prodigal son came to his senses, he returned to His father (Luke 15: 17). Moses told the people the same thing (Deuteronomy 30:1-10). Your story and God’s glory Your story of suffering should not dominate your life. Focus on what God wants you to do. God knows your questions and struggles; therefore, He does not answer your questions directly but reveals His glory when you come to Him. This was what Job got (Job 42), and even the prodigal son (Luke 15:20-24), God has to put a robe/garment (righteousness) and ring on the son (15:22-23); why? When we come to God, our sins must first be taken away; otherwise, we cannot stand in His presence because He is Holy.

Careless and ungodly life

If you live carelessly and ungodly, you will suffer in life. The prodigal son spent his resources on wild living and became needy and lost. Life is precious. Live godly.

Do not wait till it is too late to come to God.

God will not bless a faulty life. Destruction does not just happen in a day; there are always signs that things will not be okay unless you sit up. God speaks to us daily, e.g., through our experiences.

God has missed His children.

Heaven rejoices when even one person returns to God in repentance. Most people do not know how God loves them.


Practising Exchange of Divine Blessings(Money, wealth, and God’s kingdom)