Practising Exchange of Divine Blessings(Money, wealth, and God’s kingdom)

Text Luke 15:11-17; Leviticus 25:25-28


One of the Biblical Jubilee's objectives is to free people from material poverty. Like the prodigal son, most believers struggle to get money because of a prodigal mindset. Today, we shall look at the Practising exchange of dive blessings. We practice the ‘divine exchange of blessings’ in God's kingdom- God’s perspective on money and wealth evening.

Practising exchange of divine blessings (Luke 16:10-13) Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches (Galatians 6:6). Gentiles must share material blessings with the Jews who shared the spiritual blessings (Romans 15:27). The Israelites (Jacob) were commanded to pay for the water and food they would eat as they passed through Edom (Det 2:4-6).

How to make a profit for God (Matthew 25:14-30).

  1. How can you use God’s blessings given to you? 1. I Love God. 2. Put give your blessings to

  2. people who will bear fruit (Hebrews 6:7-8; 2 Tim 2:2; Matthew 21:43)

What goes with money and wealth

  1. Protection against devourers; charity, the tithe (Mal 3:8-10); asking God for daily provision (see Matt 6:11), or you will run out of money and a good relationship with God, or you won't enjoy your labour (e.g., Ecclesiastes 5: 18-20; Luke 12:21).

Only God is your helper.

When you are doing well in life, you will have those who will admire you, some people will love you to get something from you, some too will steal from you, some will envy you, and some will try to bring you down- none of these people will be there for you when things begin to go down... Only God will help you.


Only God can restore life; Human beings can only fix it.


Rebuilding faulty and broken lives