How God delivers believers from their enemies.

Text John 7:1-13

Walk blameless before God (2 Samuel 22:17-31 -Psalm of David). Do not attack any human being. Doing so makes you vulnerable and liable for destruction. Once you attack someone, you become an enemy to the person.

Do not ignore red flags. Your enemy will show you their true intention; God will let them reveal who they are to you; do not ignore the signs. N.B Not all people who misbehave towards you are your enemies. Some people have bad characters; they will change with time.

Do not accept their invitations or friendship.

  1. Saul invited David to dinner, but he had in mind to hard him ( 1 Samuel 20:24-14)

  2. The enemies of Nehemiah invited him for fellowship, but Nehemiah rejected it ( Nehemiah 6:1-16).

  3. When the Israelites accepted invitations from the Moabites, they enticed them to sin (Num 25).

God may bring your enemies to your table, treat them nice (e.g. Psalm 23:5; Matt 5:43-45).

For example, David had several chances to kill Saul but did not; he showed mercy ( 1 Sam 26). When God makes your enemies vulnerable and weak, do not harm them; forgive them; God is only testing you.


The Mission of God – Missio Dei


End times message from God