Bearing lasting fruit: Learning from past believers

Text Colossians 3:1-6; Hebrews 11:13-16

Believers who bore lasting fruit were Heaven-minded and ministry-focused.

Heaven is the final destination of the human soul—people who bear fruit aim to go to heaven (e.g., Luke 16:19-31).

Ministry is about serving God and meeting human needs (Mark 10:45; Eph 2:10). Believers in the global south are more heaven-minded and ministry-focused than believers in the south. We need to catch up. Otherwise, most people will die in their sins (John 8:24), and most believers will not be ready when Jesus comes to rapture the church (e., Matt 24:36-41).

Examples of believers who bore lasting fruit-Hebrews 11
Believers in various circumstances bore lasting fruits: Abel, Noah, Moses, Rahab Abraham etc.

How to be heaven-minded and ministry-focused?
Jesus spent time teaching the disciples to seek the kingdom of God first and that all shall be added to them (Matt 6:28-34). Salvation and service!


God's Chosen ones must bear abundant fruit.


The theme for 2025: Chosen by God in Christ Jesus to bear fruit that will last