Sharing the gospel and Praying for people
During our 20th anniversary, we shall be introducing 2 more ministries for Special marriage anniversaries for couples. This will spice marriages and strengthen the family. Special Prayer and Evangelism mission: Going out 2 by 2 to pray for people and share the gospel with them.
Text 2 Chronicles 17:7-11; 19:4-7; Matthew 10:1-8; Luke 10:1-12
In the 3rd year of his reign, Jehoshaphat sent people to all the towns and villages to teach them the word of God (2 Chron 17:7-9). He repeated the same mission at the end of his reign ( 2 Chron 19:4-7). CHC is 20 years old, and we shall also embark on this mission.
Why this mission?
Sharing the gospel and praying for people contributes to God’s kingdom and blesses people.
Like Jehoshaphat, God will bless you with peace, favour, and freedom from your enemies.
We are learning from Jesus. He sent 70 disciples, 2 by 2, to tell people about the kingdom of God.
Serving the Lord in times of prosperity (Deut 28:47-48). Most Christians relax or don't serve God when they are okay. But they are very faithful during a crisis. This should not be so.
God is blessing us, so we shall add one more service to the life of the church. We shall go out 2 by 2 to share the gospel and pray for people. From this service, we shall set up a 24/7 prayer line where people can call and request prayers. This service will feed into our counselling centre.
How are we going to do this mission?
You are going to learn how to share the gospel
You are going to learn how to pray all kinds of prayers
Like Philip (Acts 8:26-40), God will send you to people who need prayers and God’s word
You will mature very soon, to go out yourself to fish for souls for Christ