Do not let anything, good or bad take you away from God

The perseverance of believers.

Why choose God? Because He created you for Himself and has your best interest (Isaiah

44:2-6). He is jealous if you worship something else, will judge and condemn you if you do (Exod


Text Romans 8: 31-39; Hebrews 11:13-16

The Bible lists what can separate people from God and concludes that they are impossible:

neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any

powers, neither height nor depth nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us

from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord (8:38-39).

Problems, temptations, persecution, demons, and Satan, serve the following purposes: to test

us, to frustrate us, to intimidate us, to coerce, to deceive, to manipulate us to see if we will

abandon God ( e.g., Job 2:3-10).

Why some people leave God and others not? It is a choice, it is their decision (Heb.11:13-16)

  • Moses encouraging the people to choose life (Deut. 30:19-20) )

  • Joshua encouraging the people to choose the worship of God instead of idols ( Joshua 24:14-15

  • The prophet Isaiah deals with the sins of the people (Isaiah 1:18-20 )

  • Jesus and the disciples (John 6:63-71)

  • Jesus, on His own decision to obey the Father (Luke 22:39-44).

How can we get our decisions right?

  1. Listen to God’s commandments, this will give you understanding (Gen 2:15-17; Romans 10:17)

  2. Then if you are willing, God will enable you to make the right decision (e.g. John 66:65; Act 16:14-15) but if you are not willing to do the right thing like Pharoah (Exodus 14:4) or Judas, God


Jesus is Lord over every chaos if His Lordship is received.


Sharing the gospel and Praying for people