When we are doing well, God is happy; when we mess up, God must help us!

Text Luke 15:1-7; 3 John 1:2-4

  1. We shall look at what humans need to live well according to God’s plan.

  2. How these needs solve problems contemporary.

What human beings need according to God’s Plan

  1. The life (Spirit) of God (Gen 2:7; Acts 1:4;8) Problems it solves: 1. Mental health issues caused by evil spirits ( Mark 5:1-20). 2. Death (Rom 8:11).
    How do you get the spirit of God? 1. Prayer if you are a believer (Mark 9:14-29). 2. if non-believer, then repentance, faith in Christ, baptism, and holy living (Acts 2:36-41).

  2. Freedom and boundaries (Genesis 2:15-17). Freedom to choose what to eat and what not to eat; to obey God and disobey, to choose heaven or hell, blessings or Curses, etc; Boundaries, to help with self-discipline, respect, and non-sinning etc. Problem freedom solves: 1. Poverty, 2. health, 3. Anxiety, 4. slavery/addictions (Galatians 5:1), Problems boundaries solve: 1. Social deviance 2: greed, Murder, and sin in general.

  3. Family- wife, husband, church: for love, encouragement, companionship, and support (Gen 2:18; Psalm 68:6). Problems it solves: Loneliness 2. Sexual immorality, 3. love deficit, 4. depression (a depressed soul).

  4. Atonement: because of the fall, to cleanse the human soul from sin. The problem it solves: 1. failure in life ( Ezekiel 18:30); 2. Prodigal living (Luke 15:11-32); 3. a wasting away (e.g., Psalm 32),

How can you receive atonement? Confession and repentance in Christ Jesus (1 John 1:8-2:2).


‘Heaven’ encourages people to live well and hope for eternal life.