Confession of sins of families, the church, our nations, and individuals

Aim: Good Friday, we shall be seeking forgiveness of sins for our families, the church, the nation, and


Text Proverbs 28:13; James 5:13-18; 1 John 1:8-2:2

How confession is done (e.g., Nehemiah 9 Job 1:1-5).

For families: Some families have despised God and did not honour Him after God was good to them. How? God was establishing godly families through marriages, which has been challenging for most people. Despite God's kindness, most of these families treated God with contempt, and they did not respect God. The result is that the rest of the family members do not benefit from God’s grace. God said, I will bless you, and you will be a blessing to others (Genesis 12:1-3).

Our nation has rejected God, so we shall seek forgiveness. In this church, laziness is present when it comes to evangelism and lateness to church.

Individual church members: the sin of not bearing fruit, ingratitude to God, lateness to church, non-tithers, rebelliousness, etc.


Christ's perfect Sacrifice: For Healing, spiritual protection, and eternal life.


The Resurrection of Jesus Christ